Iran denies claims its nuclear facilities hit by cyber attack
August 1, 2012 - 16:50
Abbasi made the remarks after a cabinet meeting on Wednesday.
In a report published on July 25, Bloomberg quoted the F-Secure Security Labs website, which is linked to F-Secure Oyj (FSC1V), the Finnish maker of security and cloud software, as saying that two Iranian nuclear facilities had suffered a cyber attack that shut down computers and played music.
A new worm targeted Iran’s nuclear program, closing down the “automation network” at the Natanz and Fordo uranium enrichment facilities, the Internet security site said, citing an email it claimed had been sent by a scientist inside Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization.
In recent years, Iran’s industrial facilities have been subject to a succession of cyber attacks that are said to be launched by the United States and Israel in an attempt to sabotage the country’s technological progress.